SUN: 9AM & 10:45AM | WED: 7PM

Day 09: Radiant

Pastor Ellen Bilsborough
Those who look to Him are radiant, their faces are never covered with shame. Psalm 34:5

God sees everything and watches over us. His eyes run to and fro throughout all the earth.   Knowing that the God of the universe is our Father and we can call on Him at any moment is the greatest experience in the world. This is why Pastor and I will never give up on leading lives to Jesus. To be able to say He is My Father is more than a learned statement or a nice thing to say. It is an experience with our heavenly Father, a deep connection formed with a calling on our hearts and our response of I surrender to your will Father. This is our ambition. Our assignment is to inspire and persuade men and women to want more of Him.

When we are connected to our Father, we look to Him for everything. My Dad passed away several years ago. I miss his laugh, his joy and our talks. He was a Dad who was present and listened when I talked to him.  Many times, I wouldn’t hear his advice and wanted to do things my way, but l was thankful that he at least took the time to hear me out. Our Father so much more is eager to listen and hear us. He already knows what we are going to say, or what we are going through and he still just wants to hear us talk to Him.

When we look at our Father we become radiant. Our face will show it, our lives will be fruitful and we will never be covered in shame. The enemy wants to keep us in shame. Our Father paid the price and we no longer need to be ashamed of anything.