SUN: 9AM & 10:45AM | WED: 7PM

Day 21: Call Me

Pastor Ellen Bilsborough
Call unto Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know. Jeremiah 33:3

We live in the natural world.  Our thoughts, focus and actions operate daily in the realm of the real world.  So it’s just normal for us to look at life as we see it, with our natural eyes.  We serve a God who moves in extraordinary ways into the ordinary day to day environment of our lives.  I believe God wants to show us how big He really is.  To trust Him for more and take Him out of our small minded puny little thinking.  I love my husband's recent message “Imagine That” . It was a huge reminder of how we think way too small and limit our Father in doing more.

God is getting us ready.  We are to be ready, to move up to a higher level.  It’s a wake up call for us.  I think the most dangerous Christian is one who just sits around satisfied.  We are what eat - so the saying goes.  I believe we are what we think.  What we think of ourselves can limit us.  So let’s humble ourselves today and do what the verse says.  Call unto Me.  What our Father is saying is, if you will just ask Me, I will help you.  When we call , He promises to answer.  But He doesn’t stop there.  Not only will He answer but also He will show us great and mighty things which we do not know.

What does this all mean?  What eye has not seen, what ear has not heard.  God has prepared that for those that love Him.  Imagine that?  We can have everything we want, need or hope for if we will just simply Call Him.