Pastor Ellen Bilsborough
But whoever is united with the Lord is one with Him in spirit. 1 Corinthians 6:17
Our identity is through Christ our Savior. When I was younger and newly saved I would hear messages at church from different Pastors about the cross. Many of those messages left me feeling depressed. I felt as if right from the start there was no hope, it's as if by the end of the messages I was being crucified. I had a difficult time shaking off some of those teachings because they circled around death and despair.
Beyond the cross there is resurrection life and power. We identify with a risen Savior and the manifestation of His amazing presence and power. We take up our cross and follow Him. For each of this is a different meaning. We all have different crosses to bear. At times it seems that our heavenly Father allows our crosses to be all the things we like the best so that when they turn to bitterness we are able to learn the true measure and the true value of endurance.
We are one with Him in spirit. We are united with our Father and joint heirs with Christ. 1 Corinthians goes on to say that our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own. We were bought with a price. We glorify God in our bodies and in our spirit which belong to our Father. We are forever linked to our Father.
I know that our greatest peace and joy is to be united with our Father and one with Him in spirit. He will never lead us down a wrong path. He is forever our strength and comforter in every trouble we face. We are a child of the King. He has come to give us life and life more abundant. His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Our identity is with Him.
Our identity is through Christ our Savior. When I was younger and newly saved I would hear messages at church from different Pastors about the cross. Many of those messages left me feeling depressed. I felt as if right from the start there was no hope, it's as if by the end of the messages I was being crucified. I had a difficult time shaking off some of those teachings because they circled around death and despair.
Beyond the cross there is resurrection life and power. We identify with a risen Savior and the manifestation of His amazing presence and power. We take up our cross and follow Him. For each of this is a different meaning. We all have different crosses to bear. At times it seems that our heavenly Father allows our crosses to be all the things we like the best so that when they turn to bitterness we are able to learn the true measure and the true value of endurance.
We are one with Him in spirit. We are united with our Father and joint heirs with Christ. 1 Corinthians goes on to say that our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own. We were bought with a price. We glorify God in our bodies and in our spirit which belong to our Father. We are forever linked to our Father.
I know that our greatest peace and joy is to be united with our Father and one with Him in spirit. He will never lead us down a wrong path. He is forever our strength and comforter in every trouble we face. We are a child of the King. He has come to give us life and life more abundant. His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Our identity is with Him.