SUN: 9AM & 10:45AM | WED: 7PM

Day 27: The Passion of Christ

Pastor Ellen Bilsborough
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23

Good Friday.  Why is it called Good Friday?   The word passion today has a totally different meaning than it had in past generations.    Passion meant deep, terrible suffering.  That is why they call Good Friday “Passion Tide” and we talk about the Passion of Christ.  Some of us may recognize this title more from the Easter movie released a few years ago called the “Passion” .  

Jesus is God, and all we have said about God describes Christ Jesus.  He has taken on Himself the nature of man, but He is God and above Him there is no other.

The work on the cross as we remember today this Good Friday is without limit.  HIs suffering was infinite in its power.  It was almighty.  He is the Almighty One.  We can never overstate the power of the cross.  He is also perfect.  The atonement in Jesus Christ’s blood is perfect; there isn’t anything that can be added to it.  It is spotless, impeccable and flawless.  It is as perfect as God is perfect.

His suffering and resurrection has forever canceled our sins and destroyed our death sentences.  Hallelujah!  As we gather together during this Easter weekend with our loved ones, family and friends, let's remember to share with one another what He means to us.  Let’s be forever mindful to be a blessing to others, thankful, merciful, loving, kind and gracious at all times.  It all sounds great doesn’t it?  I just wrote the typical words we say to one another during every celebration we have as families and friends.  I hope to inspire you to go beyond the norm and typical this Good Friday and  let's be like Jesus.  Let's run this race with a Passion.  By force, mighty, strong, loud and victorious.  Judah Rise!

Always remember, He suffered with the agony of God, for everything that God does, He does with all that He is.  He did all of this for us.  Thank you our Father for Your great love for us.