SUN: 9AM & 10:45AM | WED: 7PM

Day 23: Get Ready!

Pastor Ellen Bilsborough
Prepare the way for the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Isaiah 40:3

God was preparing His people for the greatest event that ever took place in the world.  The manifestation of the Messiah.  It amazes me how Jesus stood in front of people teaching them in parables, performing miracles and yet some believed and some walked away.  Pastor preached an awesome message Palm Sunday morning about two crowds that were present.  The marked difference of a true follower of Christ is an experience with God.  Some accepted HIs teaching while others rejected Him.  They waved palm branches one day but by the end of the week they were shouting “crucify Him”.

God is always preparing.  He is in constant preparation for us.  If God is preparing to bless us then we have to get ready.  Prepare the way for the Lord.  There are some who literally believe that God does it all; all you and I have to do is be born.  After that God just picks us up on eagle's wings and sweeps us to heaven to receive our crowns at last.  What does it mean to prepare the way for the Lord?  I believe we should be filled and walk in the fullness of the Holy Ghost all the days of our life.  This results in fruitfulness, peace of heart, purity of life, and being a blessing to others.

Clearly Isaiah is showing us here that it's up to us.  God is our source of strength but we must be effectively seeking Him, and preparing our hearts daily.  He goes on to say make straight in the desert a highway for our God.  What isn’t right in our lives let's make it right.  We set our day with our words, thoughts and actions.

What a gift today is for us all.  This first day of the week just before Easter as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, let's be mindful to be in a constant state of readiness.