Pastor Ellen Bilsborough
I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14
I haven’t been able to leave the book of Philippians, in case you haven't noticed. Paul knew exactly what we would face and experience the moment we chose to believe in Jesus. This is what it truly means to take up our cross and follow Him.
I love to run, I know that some of your are thinking why would anybody want to torture themselves that way. I can't even begin to explain why I find joy in running other than it brings a feeling of accomplishment, clears my thoughts and allows me to pray in a different way. Pressing on toward the goal is a constant movement, a constant motion. The moment we stop pressing on we embrace a backslidden mindset.
Everything about our Savior is progress. Where would we be if He chose not to press on for us. He promises to be our strength and comfort. Many times, in the middle of my run I get tired and want to stop. My joints and muscles are screaming in pain. When it’s toughest, it’s tempting to give up, but that’s exactly when we are to push forward. When those thoughts of quitting come, I immediately counteract them with “I can do this”. Then adrenaline kicks in and the mission is accomplished. That’s in the natural, but in the supernatural it’s the Holy Spirit who is our strength, comforter and standby. When we say I can’t, He says “I Can” and “I will fight for you”, and “I will neve leave you nor forsake you”.
I haven’t been able to leave the book of Philippians, in case you haven't noticed. Paul knew exactly what we would face and experience the moment we chose to believe in Jesus. This is what it truly means to take up our cross and follow Him.
I love to run, I know that some of your are thinking why would anybody want to torture themselves that way. I can't even begin to explain why I find joy in running other than it brings a feeling of accomplishment, clears my thoughts and allows me to pray in a different way. Pressing on toward the goal is a constant movement, a constant motion. The moment we stop pressing on we embrace a backslidden mindset.
Everything about our Savior is progress. Where would we be if He chose not to press on for us. He promises to be our strength and comfort. Many times, in the middle of my run I get tired and want to stop. My joints and muscles are screaming in pain. When it’s toughest, it’s tempting to give up, but that’s exactly when we are to push forward. When those thoughts of quitting come, I immediately counteract them with “I can do this”. Then adrenaline kicks in and the mission is accomplished. That’s in the natural, but in the supernatural it’s the Holy Spirit who is our strength, comforter and standby. When we say I can’t, He says “I Can” and “I will fight for you”, and “I will neve leave you nor forsake you”.
What's your goal today?
Delight yourself in the Lord and He will fulfill every desire of your heart. He is the prize!
Day 29: He Is Risen
April 17th, 2022
Day 28: Triumphant
April 16th, 2022
Day 27: The Passion of Christ
April 15th, 2022
Day 26: His Love Compels Us
April 14th, 2022
Day 25: Identified With Christ
April 13th, 2022
Day 24: The Glory Of The Cross
April 12th, 2022
Day 23: Get Ready!
April 11th, 2022
Day 22: Palm Sunday
April 10th, 2022
Day 21: Call Me
April 9th, 2022
Day 20: Perfect Peace
April 8th, 2022
Day 19: It's a Test!
April 7th, 2022
Day 18: He Lives In Me
April 6th, 2022
Day 17: It Is Well
April 5th, 2022
Day 16: Rise and Shine
April 4th, 2022
Day 15: He Is Lord
April 3rd, 2022