SUN: 9AM & 10:45AM | WED: 7PM

Day 07: Contentment

Pastor Ellen Bilsborough
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4 6-7

If we feel we have arrived we will not go any further. It would be a foolish thing to think that we have limited ourselves in such a way when God looks at us and says “there is so much more I want to do through you”.  A satisfied Christian is a dangerous person. We will become what our desires have made us.  A.W. Tozer once wrote, “we are the sum total of our hunger." What a quote!  A lack of spiritual desire is a dangerous place to be.

We have all experienced  more passion and more hunger in our services here at GLC. We know that God longs for us and we long for Him.  We thank God for everything up to this point, but we cannot stop here. We grow together and press on into the deep things of God. We keep our feet firmly planted on the ground, but our hearts are soaring high above the clouds.  In other words we are not so heavenly minded that we are not earthly good.  We understand what is happening in the real world. We live in it, but have no fellowship with it.  We know the price our Savior has paid is much too high for us just to play around with the things of God.  We don’t tap dance with the world and expect God to fight every battle.  We don’t forsake assembling ourselves together and expect to hear from God every day. We are not anxious over anything but are content in everything by praying and being thankful. A thankful person is a happy person. You can’t say thank you and be miserable. Philippians 4 is an amazing chapter, I encourage you today to read the entire chapter slowly and preferably out loud. Watch and see what God will do for you today. I guarantee you will find contentment.
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