SUN: 9AM & 10:45AM | WED: 7PM


Reaching Central Florida and beyond with the life-changing power of Jesus

Community Outreach

Throughout the year Great Life Church organizes community outreaches to give back to those in need through practical and spiritual needs. Our generous church partners with us to help make a difference across our city.

City-Wide Events

Through community-wide outreach events we welcome thousands of families on our campus throughout the year for food, fun, fellowship, and sharing the love of God with our city. To learn more about our upcoming events visit our Events page. 

Giving Back

Throughout the course of the year, we have multiple opportunities to bless our local community through canned food outreaches, volunteering, and much more. We are blessed to be used as the hands & feet of Jesus in anyway we can in our local community and beyond.


City Outreach

Our outreach initiatives take place multiple times throughout the month, training others to be soul-winner in their communities. 

Hospital Outreach & Visitation

In times of trouble, a word of faith and encouraging company make a great impact. Our teams minister in local hospitals & visit church attenders in times of need. 

Campus Ministry

Our Students ministry expands outside the walls of our church through Campus Ministry. Student leaders are a part of reaching our students and reaching them with the message of truth in our local public Middle Schools and High Schools every week.

Special Highlight:
Each week we hold a club in a local elementary school in the area. Our team has the blessing to lead these children in a time of praise & worship, games, and even share the  Gospel of Jesus Christ with them - each and every week. Pray for our Outreach Team as they have the opportunity to lead so many young souls to Jesus Christ.

Community Outreach

Twice monthly, our outreach team and any who wish to serve, go into our community through soul-winning and outreach efforts. This is a great opportunity to get the whole family involved in spreading the love of Jesus. Visit our events page to see what's coming up.