SUN: 9AM & 10:45AM | WED: 7PM

learn church culture
grow in your gifts
advance the kingdom

It's time to go from observing to serving. If you are interested in serving in any capacity at Great Life Church, learning more about our church culture, and growing in your gifts, the best place we can direct you is our Next Steps class. Next Steps is a 2-week class created to develop your walk with God and get you to the place where you can serve, and your unique gifts can be fulfilled for Kingdom purposes.

101: Welcome Home

Finding Your Place In The Family
Connect with Great Life Church, our vision, purpose, and why we do the things we do. During this class, you will hear about the importance of committing to a local body of Christ and what it means to develop a heart to serve His people.

201: The Faith Life

Kingdom Potential & Receiving To Releasing
This class is designed to impact your walk with God in many different facets. From how to read the Bible, how to discern scripture, and overall empowering you dive deeper with God. We pray through this course that you would Building a stronger Christ like Character as well as uncovering the gifts God has placed in your life. As we now learn how to balance work with teams and leaders, and develop faithfulness to God's House.

301: Time To Launch

Graduation Sunday
We want to celebrate and honor you this Sunday! Not only have you completed both of your courses but now you will be recognized as a part of the team this Sunday during our 10:45am service. Our Pastors and staff are excited to connect with you afterwards as well.

Join Our Growing Teams

Worship & Music Ministries
Media (Sound, Video, Audio)
Service Production
Prayer Center

Celebration Team
Parking Team

Little Life (0-PreK)
Kids Life (0-5th Grade)
Students 6th-12th Grade
Campus Ministry
Outreach Team
Prison & Hospital Outreach

Next Steps FAQ

How old do I have to be to start serving?

Our Next Steps class is open to those 6th Grade and up, where young students can be immediately plugged into our weekly Great Life Students ministry and other serving opportunities. Within Kids Life, our leaders involve older children to assist with worship leading and group activities to encourage serving others at a young age. 

How do I volunteer with music?

We can't wait to connect with you and hear more about your heart for worship and music. Click the button below if you are specifically interested in music or worship and would like more information.