SUN: 9AM & 10:45AM | WED: 7PM

Family Ministries

connect + grow in the house of the lord



As a DREAMER your child will be learning all about how much God loves them as they begin to grow! It is our utmost goal to provide a healthy and safe environment for your babies to thrive and grow. We have safety features in place in our Kids Life rooms to ensure maximum security and safety. Our qualified team of volunteers are background checked and our Kids Life rooms are sanitized daily to ensure a healthy enviroment for your children.



As a HERO your child will be learning all about how BIG God and strong God is! It is our utmost goal to provide a healthy and safe environment for your children to thrive and grow. We have safety features in place in our Kids Life rooms to ensure maximum security and safety. Our qualified team of volunteers are background checked and our Kids Life rooms are sanitized daily to ensure a healthy enviroment for your children.





As a CHAMPION your child will be learning all about how God is always here for us when we need him and that when we have God, we are champions! It is our utmost goal to provide a healthy and safe environment for your children to thrive and grow. Our qualified team of volunteers are background checked and our Kids Life rooms are sanitized daily to ensure a healthy enviroment for your children.
As a LEGEND your child will be learning all about powerful characters in the Bible they can look up to you. They will also be preparing to launch into Great Life Students, our 6th-12th grade ministry. It is our utmost goal to provide a healthy and safe environment for your children to thrive and grow. We have safety features in place in our Kids Life rooms to ensure maximum security and safety. Our qualified team of volunteers are background checked and our Kids Life rooms are sanitized daily to ensure a healthy enviroment for your children.


Sunday, May 11th

Join us for a special Child Dedications service on Sunday, May 11th, as we celebrate the gift of your little one and commit them to the Lord’s care and guidance. It’s a beautiful moment for families to come together in faith, seeking God’s blessings for their children. If you would like your family to be a part of our upcoming Child Dedications service, fill out this application, and our team will contact you with more information.


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Sundays at 9am & 10:45am
Wednesdays at 7pm


Sundays at 10am


turn on kids life notifications

The Great Life App provides tons of great resources for you & your kiddos to stay connected! We have Bible reading plans, messages to watch & listen to at anytime for FREE, and so many other resources to stay connected with us. Make sure you turn on Kids Life app notifications for special reminders from our Family Ministries department.

Kids Coloring Sheets

We want to see your child's creativity! Once they have completed their artwork, head to Instagram, snap a picture, post it, & tag us @kidslife.glc

Pre-Check In

Our Kids Ministries are growing rapidly each week! To ensure your child is able to attend our Kids Life services, please pre-register them. This helps us to know how many helpers are needed per service! 

Kids Life Pals

Kids Life Pals aims to accomodate & provide a great experience for children who may need extra assistance. Each child will be connected with one of our amazing team members we like to call "Pals" to assist & encourage them throughout every activity. Please keep in mind that Pals will not be available unless a prior arrangement has been made.

Interested In Serving?

Our Family Ministries team is constantly growing & expanding! Each week our team comes prayed up and ready to teach each child the ways of the Lord. If serving in Kids Life interests you, register today for our Next Steps course!