SUN: 9AM & 10:45AM | WED: 7PM

Family Ministries

Ministries for 0-5th Grade designed for your children to learn about God's love for them and grow in their faith. Includes all aspects of ministries for your child's development.

Great LIfe Students

6th-12th grade students who are pursuing God with their whole heart. Gathering each week during Midweek at 7:00pm!

Women's Life

Led by Pastor Ellen Bilsborough, with a vision to see women find community and strength in gathering together. Quarterly gatherings and annual Reign Conference each Fall. 


Our ministry equipping people to be everyday evangelists, winning lost souls and inviting them to come home. 

World Missions

Our heart is to expand the mission of Great Life across our borders. Our World Missions ministry is bringing the fire of our outreach initiatives to others. 

Young Adults

Our college aged ministry passionate about impacting campuses with the message of hope. That His purpose would be fulfilled in us. 

Seniors Life

Our life-giving ministry for seniors 55+ to encounter community with others through fun engagements and practical ministry.

Performing Arts

Fulfilling the creative expression of the Body of Christ in theatrical performances with a powerful story. 

Marriage Life

Our ministry to connect married couples, see their relationships flourish and bring glory to God. 


Our ministry raising awareness for the tragedy of human trafficking and building a home for rescued victims. Passionate about reaching young women in harmful situations and restore hope, freedom, and life.