SUN: 9AM & 10:45AM | WED: 7PM

Mountain Movers

May 3, 2023    Pastor Steve Bilsborough

We cannot sow new seed into fallow ground. The dirt must first be tilled to make way for the seed to take root. With the same measure that we measure, it will be measured back to us. If we want to receive from God, we can expect to receive to the equivalent measure that we give out. We  have to give everything we have in our praise, not holding anything back. “I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth” (Psalm 34:1). If we want to have great things in God, we have to invest in the things of God. “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might” (Ecclesiates 9:10). 

There is a difference between the principle of faith, which can be taught, and the spirit of faith, which must be caught. Paul could have quit many times in the midst of all the trials and tribulations he endured. But he did not give up, because he had the spirit of faith. Similarly, David, who had the spirit of faith, said, “I believed, therefore have I spoken” (Psalm 116:10). Speaking is more challenging than just simply believing. The devil doesn’t care what we believe; he just doesn’t want us to speak about it. Our ability to speak must be connected to what we believe rather than to what is going on around us. 

In Mark 11:22, Jesus, who is faith personified, said, “Have faith in God.”  Faith is available to everyone. There is not a stronghold the devil can create or a crisis he can manufacture that faith in God cannot break off of us. Therefore, it makes sense to walk by faith rather than by the ways of the world. Romans 3:25 speaks of faith in the blood of Jesus and Acts 8:16 speaks of faith in the name of Jesus. We ought to always pray with both of those elements. If we are ever afraid, we ought to plead the blood of Jesus and pray in the name of Jesus. There is no weapon fashioned in hell that can harm us when we plead the blood and the name of Jesus. Doubt is removed and fear is eradicated. We need to grab a hold of God’s faithfulness!

When we are saved, the chains of bondage are broken and blind eyes are opened. No longer in bondage, we are set free, brought out of the pit of hell, and no longer depressed. God is glorified. Hell loses and Jesus wins.  Jesus spoke to a fig tree and cursed it. He did not need a chainsaw. A few verses later, Jesus spoke to a mountain. He chose a mountain, because He wanted to stretch our faith to the point that we could believe in faith, no matter how big of an obstacle we were facing. God wants to change the landscape of our lives. When we speak in faith, according to what we believe, we operate in the same dominion mentality as Jesus Himself. That is why we can call in things for the glory of God and curse the root of every disease. Our voice is the evidence of what we believe. Though we need to remain humble, sometimes we need a Holy Ghost arrogance. When Paul and Silas were imprisoned, they could not be confined, because they used their voices to praise God and saw what they were believing for done before it was done. It is no accident that the words, “by faith” or “through faith” are repeated no less than 20 times in Hebrews 11. When we operate in faith, we have to put our faith where our mouth is.