SUN: 9AM & 10:45AM | WED: 7PM

Not Your Final Destination

Apr 23, 2023    Pastor Steve Bilsborough

Have you settled in a place of complacency and mediocrity in your life, because it is what is familiar and comfortable? In this motivating message, Pastor Steve Bilsborough will encourage you to stop settling for less than God’s best and teach you how to access the success that He has in store specifically for you.. Be blessed with the revelation that you are not at your final destination.

One of the great blessings of God is success as the fruit of our labor. We all desire success. Success is not evil in and of itself, but how we handle it can be. The wealth and good fortune that ensues from success can become our great demise. So we have to guard against mismanaging this great blessing. We must examine ourselves to see if we can achieve success and still maintain and grow our passion for God. We cannot pitch a tent in the land of comfort and complacency.

In today’s passage, God was calling Abram into a new land, the land of Canaan, a place of blessing. But instead they came to Heron and settled there. As believers, we sometimes make the same mistake. We are on our way to something great in God, but we stop in our journey  and settle for less than what God has for us.  This happens when we fail to hear from God and listen to the voices of the world. A lot of the church is confined in a comfort zone that is so much less than God’s best. “But it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him” (1 Corinthians 2:9). God cares about every minute detail of our lives! When He tells us to do something, He will give us the  strength  to do it, no matter our age or infirmities.