Pastor Ellen Bilsborough
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be filled. Matthew 5:6
These verses in Matthew 5 are commonly referred to as the Beatitudes. Such a big word! I didn’t really understand what it meant so I looked it up and I am happy to report that it means the blessings listed by Jesus. As Jesus taught his disciples it brought them “divine joy and happiness.” This is exactly what it brings to our hearts today. We are blessed when our desires line up with His. We are blessed when we hunger and thirst for righteousness. Righteousness is right standing with God.
We are all sustained and nourished by the natural operation of desire. Every normal person desires to get married, have children and be successful in life. Every creature desires food, shelter and the life of each is supported. Right desires lead to life and wrong desires lead to death. Whatever a man or woman wants badly and persistently enough will determine their character.
“Our minds are our intellect, plus an emotional tug strong enough to determine action.” A.W. Tozer. Love this quote. You may have to read it a few times to really understand what the author is saying. Our minds linked with our emotions determine our actions, right or wrong. Romans 8:5-7 sums it up beautifully. “For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit."
At the root of all true spiritual growth is a set of right and pure desire. The longing cry of a God hungry soul is “Oh to be like thee." Wrong desire hinders our growth. We are in the spring season of life here and everything must grow, grow and grow abundantly. We are filled and our cup runneth over here at GLC. Excited for the days ahead!