Pastor Ellen Bilsborough
If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; and whosoever will lose his life for My sake shall find it.
Matthew 16:24-25
Every year Pastor has released a theme at GLC that sets the course and direction for what God has placed in our lives for the days and months ahead. I remember our 2020 year theme was All Things New! I thought about this this morning and it hit me, what things? What does God really say about all things? There is within every human heart a nature to acquire, to possess, to always want more. We say the words my and mine many times throughout the day without realizing it. These words express the real nature of our hearts. The roots of our hearts have grown down into things, and we dare not pull up one root lest we die. Things have become necessary to us. God’s gifts now take the place of God and the whole course of nature is upset by this substitution.
This brings us to our verse today and is so fitting as Easter is approaching. We cannot tolerate the plan of the enemy to keep us engaged in “Self-Life." I’m amused because yesterday’s blog I talked about taking care of yourself and today I’m telling you to let go of me, myself and I. The truth is both are true. Jesus taught us in His word how to be balanced in both areas of our lives. I encourage you today to ready the Blessings of Matthew 5:1-12. Jesus went up to the mountain and was seated teaching His disciples these powerful truths. He is teaching us these same truths this morning. How wonderful is that!
When we allow gain and profit to dominate our lives, the end result will be that we will lose everything and possess nothing. The blessed ones who possess the Kingdom are they who have left external things and have rooted them from their hearts.
So back to our “All Things New” theme, this is what “All things New” means to me. When we are truly free from acquiring “things." When we lose the sense, habit, pattern of “things”, we truly then possess all things. Seek first the Kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you. He just wants to be first. I urge you today to take this seriously, it’s not just a Bible teaching. Our faith journey together, is one step at a time. If we miss a step we bring our progress to an end. You can do all things through Christ.
Matthew 16:24-25
Every year Pastor has released a theme at GLC that sets the course and direction for what God has placed in our lives for the days and months ahead. I remember our 2020 year theme was All Things New! I thought about this this morning and it hit me, what things? What does God really say about all things? There is within every human heart a nature to acquire, to possess, to always want more. We say the words my and mine many times throughout the day without realizing it. These words express the real nature of our hearts. The roots of our hearts have grown down into things, and we dare not pull up one root lest we die. Things have become necessary to us. God’s gifts now take the place of God and the whole course of nature is upset by this substitution.
This brings us to our verse today and is so fitting as Easter is approaching. We cannot tolerate the plan of the enemy to keep us engaged in “Self-Life." I’m amused because yesterday’s blog I talked about taking care of yourself and today I’m telling you to let go of me, myself and I. The truth is both are true. Jesus taught us in His word how to be balanced in both areas of our lives. I encourage you today to ready the Blessings of Matthew 5:1-12. Jesus went up to the mountain and was seated teaching His disciples these powerful truths. He is teaching us these same truths this morning. How wonderful is that!
When we allow gain and profit to dominate our lives, the end result will be that we will lose everything and possess nothing. The blessed ones who possess the Kingdom are they who have left external things and have rooted them from their hearts.
So back to our “All Things New” theme, this is what “All things New” means to me. When we are truly free from acquiring “things." When we lose the sense, habit, pattern of “things”, we truly then possess all things. Seek first the Kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you. He just wants to be first. I urge you today to take this seriously, it’s not just a Bible teaching. Our faith journey together, is one step at a time. If we miss a step we bring our progress to an end. You can do all things through Christ.