Pastor Ellen Bilsborough
I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints. Ephesians 1: 18
Our lives can become too mechanical and lack the radiance we need to have. I believe we are to shine day to day. We are the light of the earth, and if we are dull it will reflect a very poor image of how God wants us to be. We wear our faith at times like we are in mourning. Everything about serving God is life and we should walk around as victorious believers and not defeated.
God wants us to not just have an outward shell of faith, while at the same time our inner hearts are starving for spiritual reality. Now more than ever lets rise up in our faith and ask God to show us daily His will and His word. If we begin our day with a simple prayer of “Lord, let me shine for you today, show me Your plans and Your desires, I want what you want and I want to be led by your Spirit.”
As simple as that prayer is, it sums up what I feel it means to be enlightened. “His Word is a light unto our path and a lamp unto our feet.” I love the last part of our text today. There are so many blessings in His glory because we belong to Him. He withholds nothing from us!
Our lives can become too mechanical and lack the radiance we need to have. I believe we are to shine day to day. We are the light of the earth, and if we are dull it will reflect a very poor image of how God wants us to be. We wear our faith at times like we are in mourning. Everything about serving God is life and we should walk around as victorious believers and not defeated.
God wants us to not just have an outward shell of faith, while at the same time our inner hearts are starving for spiritual reality. Now more than ever lets rise up in our faith and ask God to show us daily His will and His word. If we begin our day with a simple prayer of “Lord, let me shine for you today, show me Your plans and Your desires, I want what you want and I want to be led by your Spirit.”
As simple as that prayer is, it sums up what I feel it means to be enlightened. “His Word is a light unto our path and a lamp unto our feet.” I love the last part of our text today. There are so many blessings in His glory because we belong to Him. He withholds nothing from us!
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