SUN: 9AM & 10:45AM | WED: 7PM

Day 13: Worthy

Pastor Ellen Bilsborough
Whoever does not take up their cross and follow Me is not worthy of Me. Matthew 10:38

I know what you’re thinking! Thank you Pastor Ellen for this “pick me up” word for today.  I know it sounds a little heavy  because no one wants to die on a cross. We are officially beginning our Easter month.This verse today is a fitting start in  our studies together. We have been talking a lot about self and the price we pay in staying in that mindset. In this matter of continually seeking our own desires, we can only say that people who want to live for God often arrange to do very subtly what unbelievers do openly. We are so good at disguising our desires as this is what God wants, and this is His will. Have we asked HIm today what He really wants.  Our desires should line up with His.  If they don’t we need to take a step back and examine our hearts for He sees everything.  

In my past writings I have reflected on our hearts, being holy, walking deeper, dying to self. No one wants to die on a cross, die to self or die at all as I have already mentioned. Until we come to the place where we are desperate for the highest will of God in serving Jesus, will we only  then understand what it truly means to take up our cross. The Apostle Paul wrote in Philippians  “I want to die on that cross and I want to know what it is to die there, because if I die with Him I will also know Him in a better resurrection.”  Philippians 3:10-11  Ok, say we are not Paul, he was human and real just like we are. To make such a statement to me means that a high price, a spectacular life, many bumpy roads, high trials and no glamorous days were present for him. He saw his reward in the resurrection as a better way.

When we thank Him for the cross and the price our Lord Jesus paid we are saying once and for all that we stand with Him and we choose to let go of everything, and no longer defend ourselves.  We take up our cross and follow after Him.  Taking up our cross is leaving our own interests and standing with our Savior in victory.  Until we do this, there will never be enough stirring within our beings to find His highest will.

I love you all so much and am so happy that we get to learn more about how awesome and big Our Father is!